Medilaser Skin Tag Removal

What are skin tags?
As we get older, skin tags which are little skin growths that start popping up on your body. Typically a skin tag is thinner at the base and wider at the top. They look like a little "tag" of skin. They can appear under arms, neck, back, groin and eyes.
Why do you get skin tags?
Friction—like from your shirt’s underarms or a necklace— can cause the growths over time. Other things that can trigger skin tags are weight gain, pregnancy, and diabetes.
How to get rid of skin tags
Skin tag removal isn’t something that should be done in your bathroom at home. Many people will look up how to get rid of skin tags on the Internet and try to do it themselves that may harm and/or scar your skin.
At Medilaser, we use our latest technology method that will leave your skin looking great with no downtime.