Medilaser Mommy Makeovers Frisco, Texas

Mommy Makeovers
Mommy Makeovers can change your life.
So many women come to our office and say "I've lived with this since I've had children and my kids are in their teens".
We understand the demand of life and how it can slip away from you fast and before you know it, you've got that "pooch"...that constant "thing" that ails you when you get dressed.
Here at Medilaser, Dr. Giraldo will customize your body shape where you will walk away feeling beautiful and confident again. He is an artist and will sculpt your body beautifully to your vision and your dream shape.
How does a Mommy Makeover work and why Dr. Giraldo has a constant 5 Star Rating
View our 3D Mommy Makeover Video!

Loose Skin pockets...
Like many people, you may have excess fat that is resistant to exercise and diet.
Dr. Giraldo will map out a plan with your mommy makeover and perform a combination of Liposuction, Fat Transfer and of course his innovative Sculpting technique that has given Dr. Giraldo a constant 5 star rating with our clients. At the consult you will be able to visualize your body the way it used to be before having children.
In addition, our awesome Medilaser Team can assist you with your financing and you will be on your way to the New You!

Before and After Mommy Makeover...
Healthy, non-smoking individuals who have abnormal abdominal fat accumulation in combination with flaccid or damaged skin are good candidates. Women of child-bearing age who are not planning to get pregnant in the foreseeable future and women with lower abdominal stretch marks and unsightly surgical scars are also considered good candidates for the above procedure.