Medilaser Laser Face Rejuvenation MediSpa Services

The Sciton® JOULE™ system is Medilaser's all-in-one Laser machine that produces the most advanced Laser Cosmetic Services in the market and provides the highest-quality skin laser treatments non-invasive and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures.
Is this your first time? No worries! Book your first consult with us and we will be happy to give you a very informative recommendation on how to provide laser maintenance for your skin looking vibrant and alive daily!
Ablative laser treatment is the removal or evaporation of the outer layer of skin in a very organized fashion causing no damage to the remaining deeper tissues that regenerate and remodel into healthy, beautiful smooth skin. Using laser energy, physicians are able to reach unimaginable deeper layers of cells stimulating tissue contraction and new collagen formation.
Likewise, old disorganized collagen is replaced with normal collagen. This organizing event is called remodeling, a process that will continue for up to 12 months, giving the patient a progressive natural younger look. There are two ways of removing or evaporating superficial skin tissue. One is full field ablation and the other is ProFractional or partial ablation.
Non-Ablative, non-invasive laser rejuvenation commonly called "photo-facial" involves the use of light energy to remove age spots, sun spots, fine wrinkles and a tired look.
Many times, our patients want to remove age spots only, but by virtue of the use of this technology, there is an overall rejuvenation with minimal downtime.