Medilaser Hair Transplants in Frisco, Texas

Frequently Asked Questions
What are some benefits of the NeoGraft® method?
The highly ergonomic mechanical NeoGraft™ device works as a natural extension of the surgeons’ hand, allowing for faster and more accurate harvesting of hair follicles. NeoGraft™ patients now reach their goal with less time in the procedure room or fewer FUE procedures altogether.
Who is a good candidate for NeoGraft®?
Patients who want to be able to have a short haircut in the back or sides of their scalp, or those who want the least amount of activity restriction after their hair transplant procedure, may be good candidates.
Is NeoGraft® suitable for both men and women?
Yes! NeoGraft™ is a minimally-invasive procedure, it is a viable option for both men and women looking to restore their own living and growing hair with transplantation.
Do you have to get a buzz cut to have a NeoGraft® procedure?
No, if your hair is long enough, harvesting using the NeoGraft™ method can be done by shaving small areas which can be covered by your existing hair.