Medilaser Injectable Wrinkle Reduction (Fat Transfer To Face)

Facial Fat Transfer Procedure
Have you ever thought of fat being removed from one area of the body and being transferred to the face in order to restore a more youthful appearance?
If so, you will be pleasantly surprised. It is called the Fat Transfer Procedure. Fat or adipose tissue harvested from sculpted areas of the body can be preserved safely and re-injected in the face in order to re-create its most natural aesthetic shape and restore a youthful appearance.
Autologous fat transfer is a common technique used to rejuvenate the face. Furthermore, it has been found that the skin overlying the area of the transfer improves its texture and appearance due to the biologic activity of the new cells. In other words, transferred fat not only provides volume and structure to the recipient site, but also greatly contributes with nutrition and mediators that further enhance the appearance of the overlying skin.

How Is Fat Transfer Different From Fillers?
Because fat transfer uses your body’s own natural fat to improve contour and restore fullness, the results are more natural looking and long lasting.
When using temporary hyaluronic acid fillers and collagen injections to help smooth wrinkles and improve fullness in the face, hands and lips, patients must return frequently for new treatments to maintain results. That means you could need treatment as often as every six to nine months. But with natural fat transfers, there’s no need for follow-up treatments.