Tummy Tuck Sale for The Whole Month of June!
Are scars, stretch marks, and extra skin making you skip the two-piece swimsuit?
A Tummy Tuck may be your answer!
Take control of your SUMMER BODY! Only you can make the jump to change your life!
Once you meet Dr. G you will be blown away by his attention to detail and how comfortable he makes everyone around him feel. Dr. G is truly an artist when it comes to cosmetic surgery and enhancing the things you've only dreamed of changing!!!!
If you have a monetary issue, we have plenty of financing options that we can discuss in your COMPLIMENTARY consultation!!
This Summer $1,000 off Tummy Tucks Sale will only last until the end of June, so hurry!!
Make the call today at 469-362-8665 of fill out our contact form below!!! We look forward to seeing your beautiful self in our office! Remember It's Not Vanity...It's Confidence!!!
Sale Expired.